Selasa, 05 Juli 2011

Beach Babe.

Okay girlies Here is the get low down on how to get yourself ready to hit the beach. So ditch the swim suit and pull out the two piece ladies. Here is how to get yourself that beach body.

Yes the old school classic. We have all heard how we need about 7/8 glasses of water a day as our body is made up of 70% water. Blah blah blah! Its always been drummed into our heads. But listen up ladies if you are serious about losing some weight then your body definitely needs hydrating. So to keep the metabolism on full speed and to help your cells be on full working condition your body needs water. Yes this means your body needs water to burn fat. So simple & effective.

2. Green Tea
This might be a new one to some of you however Green Tea is actually quite well known in relation to weight loss.  It helps speed up your metabolism. It also helps aid fat absorption and  glucose regulation. This is because of the high concentration of natural antioxidants called catechin polyphenols.Try drinking three to five cups a day, or take in supplement form, to really notice a difference.

3. Grapefruit
     Hollywood Starlets such as  Jayne Mansfield and Marilyn Monroe swore by the grapefruit. In fact, you may know it as the "Hollywood diet" due to the high numbers of people following the diet after the stars. 
The grapefruit is actually a fruit my mother has always sworn by too. She swears that it gives you beautiful skin and i never took her seriously. Well she is a 39 year old wrinkle-less proof that it works. However we are talking about losing weight and not skin. 

Research shows that eating the grapefruit or drinking grapefruit juice before a meal resulted in more than three pounds of weight loss in 12 weeks. This is because there is a naturally occurring chemical in grapefruits that lowers insulin levels, reducing cravings and increasing your body’s ability to burn fat. Maybe mums ARE right. Shhhhhh we won't tell them that we just said that. 


4. Chilli   

Yes girls Chilli! It apparently has a chemical called capsaicin, which boosts the metabolism by increasing the body’s temperature. What’s more, a single chilli also contains a full day’s supply of beta carotene (which is great for maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails), and twice your recommended daily allowance of vitamin C – an essential antioxidant that helps to battle toxins and unwanted nasties in the blood stream. So next time you complain about how hot your mothers curry is or the waiter asks whether you want it hot medium or mild?? Scream HOT for that super HOT body!

5. Garlic
Don't run away ladies i'm not going to start giving you cooking lessons. Garlic is actually a miracle recipe that helps lower cholesterol levels and reduce fat cells in the body. Did you know that? 
Well you learn a new thing every day dolls

6. Oats

Okay so sumaiya has this kind of stuff for breakfast every morning and personally i can't stand it but she swears by it. Yes i know you're probably thinking how can something so filling make you lose weight right? Well the secret is if you eat a portion in the morning for breakfast as part of a low-calorie diet is a great way to provide your body with slow-release, natural energy throughout the day. This can lower your cholesterol and help to maintain a healthy metabolic rate.

7. Almonds
Although i admit the only dosage of almonds i get is when we go to Nandos and order a tiny bowl of nuts to snack on before our meal comes oh and back in GCSE days when my grandmother told me they were an ace aid for your memory and my dad is constantly shoving them down my throat because they are supposed to be insanely good for you no one ever told me that the   combination of nutrients is great for staving off an appetite and for speeding up the metabolism. However you do have to have a small portion as almonds are high in calories. Just have the tiny bowl before nandos trust me they actually taste nice too.

8. Berries
A little birdy once told me that berries have minus calories so instead of adding calories as you eat them they actually burn calories. It must have something to do with the alpha hydroxy acid they contain to burn fat. I need to research that more but i definitely read that somewhere. ANYHOO enough of my lack of knowledge and moving on to my actual knowledge we all know that we must have good health overall to maintain a high metabolic rate, which is why we thoroughly recommend getting your dose of berries. Not only are they full of beauty-boosting antioxidants, but they’re packed with fibre too!!! Essential for staving off hunger pangs and regulating insulin production.

9. Cucumber
Heres one my mother didn't tell me. Cucumbers are fabulous fat burners. Not only do their seeds contain stimulant properties, which can boost metabolic rates, but they are also high in sulphur and silicone – both of which can help the body’s natural fat-burning process. 

10. Lemon
and heres on she did. I know girls who have lost so much weight off just drinking pure lemon and orange juice as they are acidic they burn fat and it works because i've seen it happen with my own eyes. I was amazed at the difference lemon and oranges make.
Also ladies, lemons aid the restoration of the body’s acid-alkali balance, keeping your insides at a steady pH. This means that your body is better able to support healthy bacteria and help the removal of environmental and dietary toxins in the body, which will help speed up your metabolism. Try drinking the juice of one lemon in a mug of hot water as a morning drink and see if it makes a difference. Remember only to drink the lemon and orange juice you squeeze yourself not the ones from grocery stores as these are high in sugar and calories making your metabolism slow again.

Personally i have a really high metabolism so i can lose weight extremely easily, for example i actually put on weight a while ago and one work out at the gym and it was all gone. I am quite a hyper active kind of girl so i am always out and about on the go so i tend to lose weight very very easily. 

So i am always looking for weight gaining tips. If any of you have any tips then feel free to share them with me.

Remember you are all beautiful ladies. No matter your body size. Here at its a girl thing we promote the message of staying healthy and nothing else. 

What do you eat to keep fit??

Its a girl thing xoxo

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