Rabu, 03 Agustus 2011

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff

Hey Dolls!!!

Hope everyone is doing well...and eaten until their up most fullest :D

Okay so today's blog post is something different it's not to do with fashion or beauty but to do with one other MAJOR thing that every girl should  know....TO LOVE YOURSELF..TO LOVE YOUR LIFE..

When I was in Canada I met the best man..Richard Carlson he is by far the most AMAZING author in this world.So one day I was out shopping and while my brother went into a guy's shop right next door was a book shop which to be completely honest on a normal day I never visit.but there was a book sat on the shelf that totally caught my eye..DON'T SWEAT THE SMALL STUFF :

"Simple ways to keep the little things from taking over your life"

Where has this book been all my life?what I LOVE bout this book is that its in really small chapters the book itself is small,each chapter lasting a page and a half at the most which makes it so easy to read!

Richard Carlson gives you little tips on how you can improve things in your life,I'm going to admit it,I am a person that STRESSES over every little thing.This book has REALLY helped me sort my priorities out,its just shown me how to live life a little better a little more stress free with a little more of a smile :)

When I'm upset/stressed or just want some "Me" time I sit to read this,I promised myself that I will take some time out everyday to read a chapter and I did.I carry the book in my bag and whenever I get a chance wherever I am I find a seat and I sit to read.

I'm not going to sit here and tell you that your life is going to be PERFECT that nothing bad is ever going to happen to you,because it WILL..
Last week I had a day when EVERYTHING failed on me,every little thing..I burnt my top,my car broke down,I was late for work it was a domino effect and I seriously panic and I FREAK out like I'm going to cry :(
But it's about really standing outside the box and thinking to yourself "How can I make the best out of this moment?Will This matter to me in 10 years time?Will anyone remember this in 10 years time?" You find that the answer to your question will mainly be a NO.

 As I was reading the book I actually started to realise that I was definatly Sweating The Small Stuff,and it made me appreciate life SO much more.I would sometimes get all frustrated because my hair wasn't going right,or because I didn't have the perfect outfit,but honestly is this something to get agitated over?
I had a call from a customer at work today,she was around my age she called in to cancel her account cause she had been diagnosed with cancer she had been given a time limit of around 2 weeks to live.She was upset and SCARED!!
It made me realise more and more how much I stress about my life,and how much I let LITTLE things take over me when there are people in the world that are going through SO much more!!!

This Book honestly has TAUGHT me so much,it has taught me ways to live my life just a little more peacefully.Its taught me to LET GO of the negative vibes,I really wish someone had introduced me to this YEARS ago it would have helped me allot.

We have had emails of girls that want to know how to get rid of the negativity in their lives,how to make small issues with their partner's/colleagues,friends go away..Really there is no simple way of explaining it all depends on the individual,but Richard Carlson has a chapter which is named "Choose Your Battles Wisely" it goes something like this:

"The truth is life is rarely exactly the way we want it to be,and other people often don't act as we would like them to,moment to moment their are aspects of life that we like and some we don't.There are always going to be people who disagree with you,people who would do things differently,and things that don't work out.If you fight against the principle of life,you'll spend most of your time fighting battles"

After this he begins to ask questions which you ask yourself and honestly it makes you realise that these so called "issues" are not even worth fussing over.If you don't want to sweat the small stuff its critical that you choose your battles wisely.If you do there will come a day when you'll rarely feel the need to battle at all!!

I'm not suggesting that you wont ever get upset or you wont ever feel let down.Because that WILL happen that is about life,but it is about trying to figure out how to deal with these issues what works for you?There is a quote by Bob Marley which we LOVE:

Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; you just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.

Like this is SO true,when I was younger I would let EVERYTHING get to me,every little thing that someone says or does I would dwell on it for ages,But not anymore I don't know whether it is just a part of growing up but I feel like I can honestly BRUSH it of.
Not being a door mat but just knowing whats worth a night of lost sleep and what isn't.I have also had a lot of people to talk to in my depressed times,such as my cousins Sara,Shamz,Mahaim and Our best friend Saima.I do feel like every girl needs just a couple of people in her life to make the day seem brighter,and I've definatly found mine,this wasn't easy it was a road of heartbreak and tears but its about being a BIG GIRL right?

And the final chapter which is called "Live each Day..As It Was Your Last..It Maybe!" Think this to yourself every morning when you get up and I PROMISE you will do things so much more differently..arguing,stressing,getting upset,crying before you do any of these you will think twice.

We only live this life once..Remember
life is too short to wake up in the morning
with regrets, so love the people that treat
you right. Forget about the ones that don't
& believe that everything happens for a
reason. if you get a chance , take it. if it
changes your life, then let it. nobody said
it'd be easy. they just promised it would
be all worth it in the end.
(Yes I have totally just taken this pic now using the webcam hence the quality in my scrubs and yes my hair is going crazy :P)

I hope this has helped you..and I would recommend EVERYONE in getting this book it is totally amazing Richard Carlson does a series "Don't Sweat The Small Stuff..Work/Relationships/Love/Family etc"

What has helped you being a happier person?

It's A Girl Thing xoxo

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